Day 31: Student Exhibition / Farewell to Florence

Day 31: Student Exhibition / Farewell Dinner Our last official day of our program. UNT Studio Art at SRISA Exhibition Students start in the morning by installing a show from the work in classes at the San Gallo campus. We use the drawing studios for our class, while other classes at SRISA take other areas all over the San Gallo Campus for their exhibition spaces. The place is a productive chaos with hundreds of students installing all at once... Installing the Exhibition After installing, we met up for a farewell lunch at a nice restaurant. This was a nice way to spend a little time now that the studio work is up on the wall. Farewell Pranza Farewell Pranza Farewell Pranza ...and the Student Exhibition Reception at SRISA! UNT Studio Art Exhibition at SRISA UNT Studio Art Exhibition at SRISA signing thank you cards (made by Morgan) for the SRISA Staff Sharing memories on the last night Thank you for following our blog of t...